Australian Bridge Directors' Association


State Associations and others can contact us if they have more details to add to this page. Contact the ABDA webmaster.

Other information for trainee directors can be found on our Laws and Movements pages.

Item Links and Downloads
Dealing with Difficult People - a presentation for directors at the 2015 Summer Festival. This was a presentation made by Melanie Fisher of Mfish Consulting to Directors and Conveners during the 2015 Summer Festival of Bridge in Canberra. We hope that even just the slide data may be of use. Click to download
The English Bridge Union has produced a series of videos for tournament directors covering common situations. Video page on EBU Web site
New South Wales - Ian Lisle runs metropolitan and country courses for prospective Club Directors periodically. See NSWBA web site for upcoming courses. Course notes available for download.
Queensland - Course for prospective Club Directors are run annually See QBA web site Directors pages for upcoming courses.
Queensland - past Club and Congress Director exams and other resources Club Director and Congress Director exam papers available.
Queensland - Reg Busch's Club Director course notes - covers laws, movement and scoring Download PDF from QBA web site (77 pages).
The ABDA runs a weekend Directors' Seminar at a different location from time to time. See our ABDA Seminar page for more details.