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Declarer Play

Started by AGoodwin, 27 July, 2011, 02:14 PM

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I would like to ask about the impact of the following Laws on certain incidents which often occur in our Club games. My ineptitude in electronic communications does not allow me to quote same so I will just list them by Law reference:45Ca

1) Declarer looks like choosing a card to lead from his hand, when I tap the table,(as Dummy) or say "It's from here, partner" or suchlike.   This is allowed under42B2?

2)Declare has already played from his hand, incorrecly, and I,or sometimes the opposition, say "No, NO, from here (Dummy).   This is Not allowed by 43A1b?

3)DEclarer calls for a card from  Dummy (incorrectly) and I say "Your hand, partner". This is NOT allowed by45Ca?

In trying to limit the number of "Opening leads out of turn" that occur, can I counsel defenders to always ask the opposition if it is their lead (defenders), because then , if it is wrong, they suffer no rectification(eg, penalty card) and they have nothing to lose?

Ed Reppert

1. Yes.
2. Correct.
3. Correct.

There is a matter of timing. Dummy is permitted to attempt to prevent an irregularity, but once the irregularity has happened, he may not draw attention to it. Sometimes, the attempt to prevent and the occurance are simultaneous, or close to it. Then the TD will have to make a judgement call.

Dummy (or declarer, or anyone other than the TD) "counseling" other players is a bad idea. It could, for example, be a violation of Law 74A2.

If the defenders properly lead face down, rather than face up, then even if it's out of turn, it's not much of a problem. And no, I wouldn't counsel them about that, either.


Thank You   Whats the rectification, then, for incidents 2 and3,  given Declarer cannot have a Penalty card?   

My counselling query arises from my Directors role, when I tire from the same people making the same errors seemingly week after week!

Ed Reppert

If dummy illegally draws attention to an irregularity, he is subject to a procedural penalty (Law 45B1).

Law 41 says "the defender on presumed declarer's left makes the opening lead face down". When the law says that a player "does" something, it establishes correct procedure without suggesting violations be penalized. So it should be rare to issue a PP for failing to lead face down â€" unless it causes other problems.


If dummy draws attention to a lead out of turn after it has been made in a club then:

The first you warn him not to do it in future.
The second time you warn him that he must not do it in future.
The third and subsequent times you give him a 10% of a top penalty.